Paula O’Brien, Visual Artist
Welcome to my brand new series of juicy flowers! In the last few years, my work has shifted to the West Coast world of abstract landscapes, and digital painting and now flowers are blooming everywhere.
I look for the energy and light; the light, shapes and spaces between objects; the shimmering energy that comes from these subjects into the world. I look deeply into my subjects, from the beautiful West Coast landscapes that greet me each morning to rusting fishing boats to dazzling contemporary dancers and I fall in love with the beauty of the light falling upon their forms, their shadows and reflections.
My artistic vision, interesting cropping, composition and color combinations define my expressive abstract signature look.
I mainly work in palette knife oils on canvas but am also enjoying dramatic loose digital painting I can’t squeeze my paint tubes. In oils, I work in a loose expressive style. My mark making is very deliberate and individual. My favorite mark making tools are cold wax, silicone tip and wooden skewers to squiggle through lines.
My painting mojo:
- be fearless!
- juicy and colorful!
- what’s the worst thing that could happen?
Visit my studio anytime
Visit my home studio / gallery space.
In Lower Gibsons, BC, a 40-minute ferry ride from Vancouver.
Please call ahead to view paintings 604-740-4842
Most recent works
From the blog
Life Drawing with Adobe Sketch
I’ve been taking my iPad to life drawing now for about 2 years without fail. Sure, I bring along my sketchbook just in case I can’t use my iPad for some reason but the results are more fully developed and experimental than things I would achieve with just my sketchbook! I enjoy having my full […]
Self portrait drawings & paintings
I recently found these self portrait drawings from around 1980. An eyeglasses wearer from age 6, it’s always a challenge to draw my own face from life. I need the glasses to SEE but they get in the way of my face. So drawing my own face without glasses is always a challenging compromise. This […]
Digital life drawing, foundation of my art practice
I returned to weekly life drawing in September 2007 when I realized that my day job didn’t mind me not arriving there until 2 pm on Tuesdays. What a revelation drawing from direct observation was again after many years away from it, busy lives with family and business obligations. It was like returning to my […]