Paula O'Brien, Pavelka Design, art textiles
Paula O'Brien, Pavelka Design, art textiles
Overlooking Evening

Wearable art garment with painted backdrop

Purple Fortuny pleated silk dress wearable art, garment, dress of jap silk, jacket of silk organza, layers of procion dyes, Fortuny pleated, beaded hems. When not worn, these garments hung with their architectural background paintings, acrylics on canvas. The Temple series was created as painting first and garment second. The fabulous garment one might wear occasionally happened to be a fringe benefit.

Overlooking Evening was used as a cover for the German version of the book Beauty Secrets, by Wendy Chapkis and appeared in Contemporary Women Artists Diary 1986.

Stolen from Sechelt Sunshine Coast Art Centre in 1992.